some eels

Did you know Jetsam is also the name of an eel in a movie? I didnt either until a friend told me! There are 20 families, 111 genera, and over 800 species of eels. I'd love to tell you all about them, but this page will only cover three families of eels. I'll make up for it by showing all the mythology and cool facts about them, I swear!

Muraenidae (Moray eels)

Moray eels have large muscular bodies, with the green moray eel being 5.91 feet long. Thats not even the biggest moray eel! They dont have any ventral or pectoral fins (for normal people, those are the fins on the side of a fish's body.) They can be found worldwide in shallow waters and whatever coral reefs are still out there. They live in burrows and have mucus covering their smooth scaleless skin, allowing the walls of the burrows they stay in to stay intact. Be careful though, sometimes these eels have toxins in their mucus!

Moray eels also constantly open and close their mouths to breathe. I like to mimick this movement at home on nights when I cant sleep. The movement I *cant* mimic is the fact they have a secret second pair of jaws they use to clamp down on prey, sort of like the Xenomorph from Alien.

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